Tuesday, July 27, 2010

the big bag

Here it is, the long lasting trend of the big purse. And by big, I mean luggage size, of course. I am as guilty as the next fashionable, cappuccino sipping young woman. A bag as big as my head (which is rather large, in my opinion) never leaves my shoulder. What do you possibly keep in there, one may ask.

Anything! Books, wallets, keys, midgets, phone, lip gloss. Whatever you fancy.
Yet, this is not the draw to the oversized bag. It's largeness is impractical to say the least. It's like trying to find a lost dime in a lake when you lose something. Yet, the trend has been around for years, and it does not appear to be going anywhere. So why? Why the need for a ten gallon bag?

Finally, today as I watched Law & Order: SVU, it hit me. The real reason women love the large bag. It brings relativity, and I call it the Large Purse Theory.

For example, is a penny small? Yes. But, if you put it next to a dime, it's relatively large. Same with an elephant. Is it large? Yes. But next to a skyscraper, it's relatively small.

Think of the purse as a skyscraper, and the wearer as an elephant. Without the purse, women are large or pudgey or fluffy (however you would like to politely say it.) Yet, when you place an enormous bag on their arm, the arm tends to shrink next to the vastness of the accessory.

Large purses cause instant weightloss, relatively speaking of course.

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